Ever greater numbers of blue helmets under hostile fire around the world has finally produced something of a long overdue interest in the intelligence requirements of UN military missions. Indeed, retired Canadian Major General MacKenzie, the first UN commander into Sarajevo, once described his single greatest regret from that mission as:
Not knowing what was really going on. Intelligence-gathering is treated with great suspicion by the UN, because it is deemed to be spying on member states. We once found ourselves in a situation where the BBC World Service was telling us what was happening 200 metres away from our own headquarters. That was really frustrating.(1)
The difficulties of peace keeping and the various causes of "peace missions" failures are many and complex, but one of the root causes -- as General MacKenzie's words make clear -- is often a lack of understanding on the part of UN missions of "what was really going on."
Peace keeping and peace making missions have foundered on difficulties with everything from assessing factional respect for zones of separation in Bosnia, to the failure to identify and locate factional leaders such as Mohammed Farrah Aideed in Somalia. Yet, ironically, as General Mackenzie alludes in his remark, it is precisely the UN's own reluctance to countenance "intelligence" that leads to many of these difficulties with "knowing what was really going on" in the first place. But it need not be this way. Effective military intelligence can be conducted on UN missions without compromising political sensitivities, so long as proper intelligence fundamentals are respected. And the UN need not fear any of this intelligence work -- no cloak and dagger is required -- just the efficient management of the information which UN missions are already collecting in any event.
Hugh Smith, an Australian defence academic, began a recent article on intelligence
support to UN peacekeeping missions with the quip that "the UN has no intelligence."
In a similar vein, US doctrine states that: "In P[eace] K[eeping], the terms information and
intelligence are synonymous." If the UN seriously wishes to pursue peace missions they must get over this sensitivity about
"intelligence." As recent history makes clear, no UN force can operate effectively in darkness.
Even if the UN's political leadership in New York has been reluctant to accept this, the UN's
peacekeeping forces themselves have realized the significance of intelligence for some time.
For instance, a study produced by UNPROFOR (United Nations Protection Force [Yugoslavia])
headquarters in 1993, signed by Lieutenant General Wahlgren himself (the Force Commander), and
forwarded to UN headquarters in New York stated that:
In fact, an examination of the UN's own definitions and vocabulary reveals that not only
does the UN conduct "intelligence" by any other name, but that most of what UN forces actually
do is "collecting intelligence," whether they want to admit it or not. Sir Brian Urquhart, the
former British soldier and Second World War veteran who went on to do so much work for the UN
and has been involved in peacekeeping since its invention, offered the following definition of
Commenting on this definition, John Ruggie of the Institute for Strategic Studies at the US
National Defense University, added that peacekeeping forces have an "umpire" role, and "toward
that end, they observe and report."
Indeed, words like "observe", "report", "monitor" and "fact-finding" appear often in
peacekeeping literature and the UN's own documents.
Consider the terms "United Nations Military Observer," "Observation Force," and "United
Nations Patrols." These are the terms the UN itself uses to describe what most Blue Berets in
practice actually do. And what is the product of all this observation and patrolling?
Information, the UN stoutly maintains, certainly nothing so distasteful as intelligence.
However, collecting information on military forces and processing it in order to assess what
those military forces are doing is, of course, the very essence of "military intelligence." All of this bears upon the distinction between information and intelligence. While it does
not really matter if many feel that the term `information' is more appropriate to the UN context
than "intelligence", this should not be allowed to obscure the fact that there is an important
point buried beneath this semantic sleight of hand. Classic western military intelligence
doctrine defines information as raw data, whereas intelligence is the end result of processing
this raw data and drawing pertinent conclusions.
Suppose an individual UN Military Observer (UNMO) spots a large column of troops moving
through one faction's area towards the line of confrontation. Perhaps he notes that it is a
battalion of T-55 tanks. This is information. Probably critical information, but only
information. What does it mean? In isolation, it is difficult to say. The tanks could be
defensive reinforcements, part of a unit rotation, they could be associated with routine
training, or it could be a concentration of forces presaging an attack. These examples
illustrate just a few of the possibilities that spring immediately to mind. How does one know?
Fundamentally there are two ways. First of all, one collates and cross-references all available information. Perhaps it is
known that a certain unit regularly conducts road move training through that area. Perhaps it
is known that that faction's unit rotation schedule calls for a relief in place at this time.
Perhaps other indications that preparations are underway for an offensive have been noted. The other way that one knows the significance of that raw information is by further
exploration of the issue, that is to say, by sending out further observers and patrols to
confirm or deny whatever working hypotheses were formed in the first step. This is critical
and really cuts to the heart of the issue, for it demonstrates that real intelligence is
interactive and must be integrated into the operation itself. Intelligence must be able
to task collection assets, albeit through the operations staff and ultimately the commander.
These two steps, and especially the second one, ie the tasking of collection assets, are the
sine qua non of effective intelligence work. This interactive cycle is what General Wahlgren
and his staff were referring to above in the remark `the authority to proactively conduct an
intelligence campaign should be given to the Force Commander'
Because of the political sensitivity on many UN missions, limitations are often placed upon
the collection of information. Indeed, Canadian doctrine specifically states that this will
often be essential for maintaining the credibility of the force.
All too many seem to believe that since restrictions on intelligence collection are
necessary, ipso facto there is no room for military intelligence on UN operations. The UN, and
Canadian peacekeeping doctrine, would certainly appear to feel this way. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. As argued above, the real essence of military
intelligence is not -- as it appears to be commonly thought -- secrecy. The real essence of
military intelligence is simply the rigorous processing of all available information, married
with the process of actively seeking to confirm or deny one's hypotheses. This can be done
within the confines of these, or nearly any other, collection limitations. To refuse to "do
intelligence" is merely to manage one's information poorly. If there really is no intelligence
being done in the UN, then just who is deciding where to send all those UN patrols and UNMOs,
and what are they being asked to look for? In this brave new age of more aggressive UN peacemaking and peacekeeping, there has been
some dawning of awareness of the importance of intelligence (by any name) to peacekeeping.
Broadly, most of this interest falls into two camps -- enthusiasm for new monitoring
technologies and enthusiasm for the creation of some form of "intelligence directorate" within
the UN body itself. Of the two, enthusiasm for new monitoring technologies may be the most widespread. Jeffery
Tracey for instance, a Canadian scientist who has worked in the technical support to arms
control verification,
As mentioned above, there is also a new enthusiasm for doing precisely that: many writers
and pundits have argued for a formally institutionalized intelligence office in the UN --
generally as part of some reorganized and revitalized UN staff in New York.
The enthusiasm for new monitoring technologies and new UN intelligence agencies is
commendable, but some order needs to be brought to the debate. In fact, between open sources
and the information being generated by the sources currently available to the UN, there is
probably enough information out there to provide whatever intelligence the UN needs. The
primary requirement is to organize this so that it can be properly processed to produce the
finished intelligence that the UN and its peacekeepers need. A necessary first step towards
this is to be clear about the intelligence requirements, and perhaps the first point to be made
in this area is to understand the various levels of intelligence. Classically, military thought distinguishes three "levels" of analysis: strategic,
operational, and tactical. In the UN's case, the strategic level would equate to UN
Headquarters in New York, where the Secretary General and his staff sit with the General
Assembly, the Security Council, and the headquarters of most UN organizations. For the UN, the
operational level equates to the "theatre" headquarters of its various missions around the
world, ie the old UNPROFOR headquarters in the Balkans or UNTAC headquarters in Cambodia.
These headquarters are integrated civil/military organizations, with a mission commander
Hugh Smith makes the point that the UN needs good intelligence at all levels, and this is
certainly true, but most discussions of forming institutionalized intelligence seems to have
concentrated on what we would call the `strategic' level -- that is an office in New York to
advise the Secretary General and the Security Council, to the detriment of attention to the
operational and tactical levels. This is unfortunate, because it is probably at the operational level that the greatest
weaknesses lie, and the greatest potential. Major General Dallaire, the UN Force Commander in
Rwanda during that country's recent civil war, has pointed out that `It is this type of
intelligence [operational] which is absolutely essential to the force commander in order to
enable him to fulfil his mandate.'
Strategic intelligence for the UN is clearly important -- but the lack of a UN intelligence
directorate notwithstanding, there is little shortage of "strategic intelligence" for the UN.
Academics, the media, and other open sources provide a wealth of analysis and background to all
the disputes ongoing and looming around the world. It should also not be forgotten that the UN
can do nothing until the member states in general and the Security Council in particular decide
to do something. And the Security Council members all have their own strategic intelligence
sources. Likewise, intelligence shortcomings at the tactical level are not quite as pressing as those
at the operational level. Since member nations contribute formed units (generally battalions)
to UN peacekeeping missions, these units generally come with their own organic intelligence
sections. Furthermore, a well organized intelligence effort at the operational level would
tend to produce a great deal of the intelligence needed at the tactical level as a by-product. The real problem lies at the operational level. Because UN peacekeeping missions are formed
on an ad hoc basis, the mission headquarters are not formed units that have trained and worked
together -- they are cobbled together from the individuals of many nations. Furthermore,
forming an effective headquarters' intelligence section has generally not been mission
commanders' highest priority -- attention has tended to fixate on the administrative and
logistic task of simply getting the force together and in place. Experience also suggests that
member states contribute a very mixed bag of personnel to headquarters intelligence billets;
some are highly qualified and some are elder officers with absolutely no intelligence training
or experience who have been sent on the mission essentially as a sinecure.
The egregious difficulties or outright failures that UN peacekeeping missions have
experienced have not been because of a lack of strategic intelligence in New York -- they have
been because of a lack of operational intelligence at the mission level. UNPROFOR's bittersweet experience in the Balkans is a classic example of all this. The
original peacekeeping mission to the former Yugoslavia consisted of twelve battalions sent to
the breakaway republic of Croatia in 1992, under the auspices of UN Security Council
Resolution 743. These battalions were grouped into four sectors (each with a sector
headquarters) which in turn reported to UNPROFOR headquarters in Zagreb. The mission
subsequently expanded to include Bosnia-Hercegovina, which became known as the "B-H Command"
and Macedonia. In keeping with classic UN practice, the sector headquarters and UNPROFOR
headquarters were not formed units, but ad hoc groupings of individuals from many nations. UNPROFOR headquarters did form an intelligence section -- or "military information" section
as they called it, but in accordance with UN tradition it was weakly staffed and formed the
smallest staff branch in the headquarters.
Dissatisfied with this state of affairs, various commanders took the initiative to form
their own intelligence sections.
So what is to be done? Surely the first order of business on UN peacekeeping missions is to
form a clear and detailed picture of the warring factions, and what their dispositions,
capabilities and intentions are. How can this be done? By applying the discipline of
intelligence to the vast pool of information already being collected from all sources in any
event, not least of which are all the UNMOs, military monitors, and UN patrols out there.
Where does one do this? In a proper, all-source analysis intelligence cell, co-located with
the force commander. This is the first and fundamental need: to create proper intelligence
cells with proper mandates in all UN headquarters. Failure to do this merely blinds the
commander and the whole UN force. In order to effect all these measures in the organization of peace keeping missions, some
form of a permanent "intelligence" (or "military information" if they prefer) staff will
probably be required at UN headquarters in New York. However, the main role for this
organization would not be the provision of strategic intelligence to the Secretary General, the
Security Council, or anyone else at UN headquarters, but rather to serve as an institutional
memory and planning staff for future UN missions. This staff could ensure that sound intelligence doctrine was institutionalized within the UN,
and perhaps even more importantly it could ensure that when new peace keeping missions are
planned, their headquarters include a proper intelligence section right from the start. So
long as UN mission headquarters are formed only as missions are established, without such a
permanent intelligence staff in New York there will be little opportunity for continuity
between missions, and every new mission will be forced to start almost from scratch and suffer
its own growing pains.
The UN is not currently organizing it's information requirements very rationally. Like it
or not, what they are doing is military intelligence. A rose by any other name may smell as
sweet, but use of the euphemism "military information" is muddying the process. As the UN's
own definitions and vocabulary make clear, most of what peacekeeping is about is the collection
and processing of information. "Intelligence" is simply the discipline of doing this in the
most effective way possible, and to wilfully refuse to countenance intelligence is merely to
insist upon going about the business in a muddled way. Intelligence is not about secrecy; it
is about learning what is going on by the rigorous analysis of all available information,
and -- most importantly -- by the active tasking of information collectors to confirm or deny
what one thinks one knows. None of this need violate neutrality, impartiality, or political
sensitivity. For the most part it would simply be the rationalization of the information that
the UN is already collecting in any case. There should be no reason why the UN cannot provide
effective intelligence support to its own peace keeping missions.
The term "intelligence" carries negative and covert connotations. To ensure the
operations of the peacekeeper appear to be impartial, trustworthy and overt, the term
"information" will be used in place of "intelligence."
Great care is taken in the mission to refer to information gathering as opposed to
intelligence gathering. Indeed, we refer to information officers vice intelligence officers
and avoid any overt actions that might raise suspicions that we are in fact involved in the
intelligence function. However, while this may be appropriate for a relatively benign mission
such as UNFICYP [United Nations Force in Cyprus], it is not appropriate in missions such as
Peacekeeping in a theatre such as UNPROFOR, where the opposing forces are constantly
manoeuvring, demands an intelligence function. There have been several instances where an a
dvance knowledge of probable intention would have been extremely helpful (e.g. the Croatian
offensive of 23 Jan[uary] [19]93), yet the lack of authority to conduct a proactive
intelligence function makes this extremely difficult to do. UNNY [United Nations New York]
must "rethink" the entire approach to information versus intelligence gathering. The authority
to proactively conduct an intelligence campaign should be given to the Force Commander with the
caveat that limitations may be applied by UNNY.
The use by the United Nations of military personnel and formations not in a
fighting or enforcement role but interposed as a mechanism to bring an end to hostilities
and as a buffer between hostile forces.